Sunday 27 August 2017

Happy First Blogiversary to me!

Exactly one year ago today on the 27th of August 2016, I made the decision to start a blog about our autism journey.

At the time, I found that I was struggling to clear my mind of everything that we were experiencing along the way. I wanted to be able to write my thoughts down and I figured that having my own little space on the Internet would be a great way to go about it. My initial goal for my blog was to clear my head and share our experiences.

When I started this blog, it was very clear in my mind about what I wanted to write about. I wanted to share the highs and lows of our autism journey. Everyone likes to share the highs that they experience but not many people like to share the lows. Sharing lows seems to be somewhat of a taboo subject.

Along our journey thus far I have found that it is refreshing to hear the lows of other families as you begin to realise that EVERYONE experiences the lows. You don't feel as alone when you hear about the trials and tribulations of other families. You gain a sense of relief that we're not alone on this journey.

When I began my blog I honestly didn't think that anyone, perhaps other than my family and friends, would read the ramblings of an Autism Mum! But wouldn't you know it, word got out and the page views gradually started climbing upwards! And even better, it wasn't just family and friends who were reading my blog. This was a huge boost to my confidence!

After publishing several pieces, I received some incredibly positive feedback about both my writing style and the content of my posts. It was then that I realised that I had the opportunity to raise a greater awareness and acceptance of autism through sharing our families experience.

No two autism journeys are the same, autism is a spectrum after all. But the more awareness that there is on how autism can present, the more acceptance there will be.

I truly hope that going forward, my blog provides an insight into what life is like with two children with Autism as well as educating, inspiring and supporting others who are also on this journey.

From the bottom of my heart thank you for reading my ramblings and for joining us on our journey.

Happy First Blogiversary to me!

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I would love to hear your thoughts on my blog. I do read all the comments that are posted. Thanks so much for stopping by. Jen xx